This is an open service that is entirely up to the client. This service will pass along my 20+ years of experience to enable the mentee become the best Information Security professional YOU can be. Each person brings their own unique experience. Like a good martial arts teacher, I cannot mold you into me, I can mold you into the best YOU.
Mentorship expectations:
- The initial sessions will determine if the mentorship is a fit. I do not charge for this.
- This is NOT technical training. There is plenty of that out there.
- If the mentee desires, this can be about APPLYING what you have learned.
- There needs to be Trust and Transparency. My hope is that this will grow into trust peers and friendship.
- Pass along the mentorship to someone else, in time.
- I encourage you to get more than one mentor depending on your need.
What you will get:
- A network of resources to build your own network
- Challenges to “think outside the box”to enable you to adapt to any situation
- Honest Feedback
- Motivation!
- Guidance from a “black belt” that has been in many Information Security “fights"
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